There are times in family life where it can be useful to get help taking a step back to look at problems in your family that seem to be going in circles or getting worse. Listening to each other and hearing each other’s perspectives within a family can be enormously helpful in understanding the dynamics of your family and helping you connect in healthy ways.
Family therapy can be done with the whole nuclear family or just two members. It is the process of looking at your family as a whole and how people interact within it that is the focus. Then we can spend time strengthening relationships within your family that may have become conflictual or distant over time.
Family therapy can help when a family is:
- Affected by life stressors such as illness, grief, change in employment, mental health issues, separation.
- Life stage transitions such as; welcoming a new baby into the family, children starting school, adolescence, children leaving home.
- Experiencing conflict and/or emotional distance between one or more members
- Having just run of the mill family ups and downs that need some tweaking
Whatever your family needs Banksia Room Psychology offers a professional, calm, warm, safe, and non-judgemental space to explore, connect and make changes in your family life.